Saturday, December 15, 2018

But first a word from our creator, Mr. Erik Andrus...

  It was the summer of ’ wasn’t unusual for my “Mama” to be watching her ‘story’, the beloved yet now defunct “ONE LIFE TO LIVE”.  I mean, I should have known better than to ask her to drive me to county pool in the middle of one of the show’s most epic moments: Victoria “Viki” Buchanan (the sublime Erika Slezak) had just been coerced by her arch-nemesis Dorian Lord (the only ‘Dorian’, Robin Strasser) to investigate a secret room, hidden behind the bookcase of her family library. I mean what kid doesn’t love a story that involves a secret passage? But what was even more intriguing, was Viki had the tendency under serious emotional duress to split into a brash alter-ego named Nicole “Niki” Smith, a personality that was born the moment Viki found her morally upstanding father Victor in bed with her college roommate Irene, siring a half-sister named Tina! (Of course years later that origin was rewritten but I won’t go into that here)...And though that story arc took a year to unfold, that begat a new story...and by age 10 you can say I was hooked – thank you “Mama”.

  Soap operas have given me a form of entertainment rich in character, nuance and variable in storyline surprises. They always meant to emulate reality...

 ...But somewhere got skewed along the way with forays into science-fiction, the paranormal...or even up to Heaven. And though that could be hit or miss, I was always fond of the overall escapism...

  Hence why I created “LUST FOR LIFE”, as a momentary respite from a world that turns too fast. I ask that you not read too much into the fictional denizens of Vermillion Falls. They’re not here to challenge your religious or political sensitivities. They’re here to make you laugh, to make you cry, but mostly make you feel. And it’s with great feeling that I am presenting my ‘passion project’ to you through the championing and teaching of my ‘guiding light’ Kathleen Tissot; with the blessings of a ‘bold and beautiful’ cast and a ‘young and restless’ crew. To the support of you, ‘all my children’ (metaphorically) in the audience who took the time to sit with us for an evening...

Please grab yourself another bonbon and enjoy the “LUST”!

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